

Morse Lodge Proposed Calendar of Events:
Explanation of Events:

Entertainment Committee Events (E): Are events that are self-funded or funded by the entertainment committee budget. Open to members and guests. Guests must be accompanied by a member. Partially funded events require a payment with the reservation. Includes the monthly pre-meeting dinners, traditional annual events including the Dim Sum Brunch, Anniversary Dinner, Roll Call Dinner, and Christmas Party. Lodge Members in good standing may propose additional entertainment events but the event must be approved by the Entertainment Committee. Committee Chair is Vice Grand Tino Solis.

Good Works Events (GW): Are community service projects, open to members and guests. Includes our funded Service to the Homeless projects; Stockings for the Homeless, Dinner at the Shelter, Pie Baking for St. Anthony’s Dining Room, Baby Shower for the Homeless. It also includes hands-on community service projects such as volunteering at the Food Bank. Lodge Members in good standing may propose additional hands-on service opportunities but the event must be approved by the Good Works Committee. Committee Chair is Nancy Schlesinger.

Admin Events (A): Are official events that require special compliance paperwork by the Lodge Secretary including the Grand Lodge Sessions (convention), the Instructional Workshop for Elected Officers, the Cave Degree. Any member in good standing may attend, but funding is available only for Past Grands for the Convention, Noble Grand and Vice Grand for the Instructional Workshop. Funding for the Cave Degree will be available for New Lodge Members who have not yet completed their 3rd Degree, and 3rd Degree members who are performing the rituals. Committee Chair is Catherine Reed.

Membership Events (M): Open only to members in good standing who have received the Initiatory Degree. Funded by Membership Budget. Fully funded events require a deposit that is returned when the member attends the event. Partially funded events require a payment with the reservation. Members are advised that spaces may be limited so sign-ups are on a first-come first served basis. Committee Chair is Brian Schlesinger.

Recruitment Events (R): Open only to New Home Lodge members (not already a member of any other Odd Fellows Lodge) in good standing who have received the Initiatory Degree and their sponsors. Fully funded by the Membership committee budget, may require a deposit that is returned when the member attends the event. Each member may attend only one recruitment event as the new member. Any lodge member whether Home Lodge or Associate may sponsor new members but must sponsor an additional new member for each recruitment event. Committee Chair is Brian Schlesinger.

Morse Lodge #257 2021 Events

September 1, 2021 Business Meeting
September 18, 2021 Book Club
September 19, 2021 Brunch Cruise
October 6, 2021 Business Meeting
October 15, 2021 Book Club
November 3, 2021 Business Meeting
November 19, 2021 Book Club